Again, this poem was written long ago. I've just unearthed it from my old writings. It was written in free verse. I guess at that time, I hadn't focused on practicing writing rhymed lines.

Overall, the idea is poorly developed. I just write what I feel right, and rarely feeling right makes things shine. Whatever it is, I'll put it here as a source for studying the evolution of my poetical skills.

Humbly yours!

1.We have reached the summit of joy and hope (10 syllables)

2.Yet rarely stared down the path of bitter end (11 syllables)

3.Say then will our union last long at last? (11 syllables)

4.When all fresh feelings have departed our souls (11 syllables)

5.This graceful face once made me fall in love (10 syllables)

6.Will one day be ravaged by wrinkles and folds (11 syllables)

7.Love as a potion shall expire one day (10 syllables)

8.And dries and roots out all passionate feelings (11 syllables)

9.Could it be, in our dream, when we recollect (11 syllables)

10.Fragments of memory when we were still in love? (12 syllables)

11.May our remembrance be the antidote (10 syllables)

12.To the long boredom that eventually sets in (12 syllables)

13.May our lasting thoughts and duty bind us (10 syllables)

14.Just as love once joined us inseparably (11 syllables)
